Building a FLO of Talent to Future Proof Your Business
We have taken many years of Headhunting expertise, to create a solution that manages your future hiring needs, through an effective and proactive talent pipeline strategy.
Why do you need to build a talent pipeline?
A proactive hiring solution greatly increases efficiency in the hiring process for companies that are planning to, or expect to, make specific hires in the near future.
Building talent pipelines also supports business critical hiring. Focusing on succession planning for roles that are vital to the business, ensuring minimum disruption.
Why change your current hiring process?
Typically many organisations take a reactive approach to their hiring needs, but by initiating the recruitment process around the time that the role is live, can lead to a variety of problems
- A lack of quality talent
- Time taken to hire
- Cost of hire
- Impact on the business
With increasing competition for people with hard to find skills, a more proactive and planned approach to hiring will greatly reduce recruitment issues and give you access to 70% of the workforce who are passive in the job marketpace.
How can FLO help you?
FLO is all about proactive hiring, through establishing pipeline of talent in readiness for all eventualities. Whether it be a planned hire, or replacing an unexpected leaver, by having an already connected community of great talent, you will be able to fill open roles quickly with limited down time.
Imagine having an already engaged audience of prospective candidates when you are ready to make a hire, or being the first to know when someone with a hard to find skillset is open to a move.
Not only does it reduce time to hire and improve hiring quality, but the potential cost savings are huge.
How does it work?
Who do we work with?
Companies who have the following:-
- Planned growth
- Fluctuating hiring needs ie. Consultancies
- Looking to launch in new regions
- Project based hiring needs
- Operationally critical roles, requiring prompt replacement
- Skillsets that are in high demand and hard to find
What benefits can I expect ?
By having access to an already engaged audience, your time to hire will be greatly reduced, by targeting very specific individuals, your quality of hire will improve and by nurturing relationships over time, your retention levels will improve as will awareness of your brand.
An unexpected employee exit will no longer mean reduced productivity and operational issues and where hard to find or rare skillsets are involved, there is an opportunity for pre-emptive hiring to meet future demand.
By utilising our Future Hiring Solution you can
Reduce Time to hire
Improve Quality of hire
Reduce Cost per hire
Improve Candidate experience
Increase Brand exposure
Improve retention
Support workforce planning
Win the Competition for talent
All your questions answered
What if we already have a Talent Pool?
That’s great, it means you understand the benefits of engaging with talent in advance, but how many candidates in your talent pool would you rate as being the real top performers in your industry ? Most talent pools are filled with historic candidate applications, we engage with specific individuals directly.
Is FLO a software platform?
No, we are a hiring consultancy that focuses purely on the passive market for future hiring needs. We don't use automation or AI for our outreach, everything is done manually as we aim to build trust and offer a more personalised service.
Is FLO a recruitment marketing solution?
Yes it is, but the main difference between FLO and other Recruitment Marketing solutions, is that we focus on Outbound campaigns, directly connecting and engaging with specific individuals, rather than focusing on inbound where there are no guarantees that your brand is going to be in front of the right people.
How much does it cost?
Like most marketing solutions, we charge a monthly retainer and as our solution is fully bespoke, the cost is variable depending on the level of work involved. We can built it around your needs, whether that be just populating your existing talent pool, right through to a fully managed talent community.
What's in it for candidates?
A job search can be a very disruptive and stressful time for candidates, but by engaging much earlier in the process, we find that candidates are able to make much a more informed decision around fit with a prospective future employer. In our experience, the response from candidates we have approached has been very positive and many are happy to connect and engage for the future.
It's a flexible solution to meet your needs
We can manage the complete hiring process or only provide candidates details for you then to manage. It can be scaled either up or down looking at one specific role or we can manage a talent community for you. We can represent your business openly or maintain confidentiality, our solution can be adjusted to suit your specific requirements.